Quiz Bowl 2021 4A Huntsville v Monticello
4/29/2021 | 51m 10sVideo has Closed Captions
Arkansas Governor's Quiz Bowl Association state championship
Watch the Arkansas Governor's Quiz Bowl Association state championship matches with Arkansas PBS. In this match, Huntsville faces off against Monticello to win the state title and the opportunity to represent Arkansas at the national level.
Quiz Bowl is a local public television program presented by Arkansas PBS

Quiz Bowl 2021 4A Huntsville v Monticello
4/29/2021 | 51m 10sVideo has Closed Captions
Watch the Arkansas Governor's Quiz Bowl Association state championship matches with Arkansas PBS. In this match, Huntsville faces off against Monticello to win the state title and the opportunity to represent Arkansas at the national level.
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Learn Moreabout PBS online sponsorship[Music] [Applause] hello there and welcome back to the arkansas governor's quiz bowl association state championships we are back here at the arkansas pbs studios for quiz bowl 2021 i'm dawn scott and so far today we've seen three of the slated seven matches and we've got more to come right now over at university of central arkansas our teams are socially distanced per covet 19 protocols they're taking their places they're getting their final instructions for the 4a state championship featuring the high schools from huntsville and monticello our quiz master judges and scorekeeper they're all here and socially distanced at the arkansas pbs studios so let's meet them now our quiz master this year is steve patterson and bill davis joins us for another year as our commentator the judges are sandra elliott and monica springfield rick clow is our head judge carolyn schrei is the all tournament judge and tammy elliott is our scorekeeper and timer let's turn now to our commentator bill davis and bill welcome what can you tell us about this match well this match ought to be exciting both of these teams have strong programs and have a rich history in quiz bowl huntsville has been here more times than i could count so i'm really looking forward to this game it ought to be a real good one i'm looking forward to it as well i know you are bill thank you it seems we're about ready to begin our match so let's meet the teams for huntsville we have jonathan roberts sam chandler joshua birchfield and cole brewer the captain is alan young jordan parker ben edens christina morris and kelly mythallar are the alternates joshua king is their coach and for monticello we have luke demers malea reynaldo sabina day and autumn smith their captain is lucas babst jc gibson is their alternate and their coach is ladena kincaid we've met our competitors it is now time to turn it over to our quiz master steve patterson and find out who will be our 4a quiz bowl champion thank you dawn we're excited here at the atn studios we're halfway through our state championships for this year for quiz bowl and we're very excited about that we've had three great matches so far and now we're going to find out whether monticello or huntsville will be the reigning quiz bowl champion for 4a i've already had the great privilege of going next door and meeting with our teams today and they're excited they're ready so if you'll put your hands on your buzzers teams we're going to go ahead and get started with round one of the 4a state championship all right here's question number one the musician's tale is one of 24 stories found in this collection written by jeffrey chaucer all right alan canterbury tales that's correct for huntsville its threshold for humans is zero and alarm clocks is about 60 and a heavy metal concert or gunshot would register at about 1 30. all right jonathan decibels jonathan you're absolutely right jonathan give me a wave so i can know and you're with huntsville all right okay here's our question number three for the teams today though he died before realizing his dream of uniting a new realm his influence on greek and asian culture was so profound it inspired all right uh lucas from monticello alexander the great you're right lucas question number four meaning coming or arrival it begins on the sunday nearest saint andrews day or november 30th and continues until christmas eve all right lucas advent that's right we're going to do math computation next for the team so if you'll get out your paper and your pencil and solve this equation solve the following equation for x five to the two x power equals one over twenty-five [Music] all right lucas from monticello x equals negative one that's correct all right what fictional character created in the mid-1800s is described as having an artificial leg made of white polished bone all right lucas captain ahab captain ahab is correct and those 10 points will go to monticello all right here's the next toss-up this is the fundamental foundation functional unit of nervous tissue tissue which transmits and receives nerve impulses name this unit which consists of the cell body and its processes the axon and dendrite no all right uh alan neurons that's correct so 10 points for huntsville all right the saguaro cactus blossom is its state flower turquoise it's state gemstone and petrified wood it stayed fossil all right lucas arizona arizona is correct what calculus terms formal definition involves the use of the greek letters epsilon and delta no answer limit limit is the correct answer all right who wrote i am not afraid of storms for i am learning how to sell my ship in her best known novel little women all right jonathan alcott jonathan you are absolutely right from huntsville good job all right this long flattened gland is located behind the stomach and it's a vital part of the digestive system and a critical controller of blood sugar levels name this organ in which insulin all right cole from huntsville anchorage that's correct this man participated in the capture of the british garrison of fort ticonderoga in 1775 and he later hindered a british invasion of new york at the battle of lake champlain name this early american hero who became one of the most infamous and that is jonathan arnold jonathan you're absolutely right all right our next question is in basketball what is the term used when a player reaches double digits in three of fives all right uh jonathan oh i didn't think jonathan will you say that again patrick no no um luke what is triple double yes that's correct for 10 points for monticello all right what new orleans style of jazz combining elements of ragtime and blues is marked by strongly accented 4-4 rhythm with distinctive improvisation usually all right sabina scott no that's incorrect um usually played by a small group of musicians all right alan bluegrass no the answer is dixieland dixieland all right question 15 is math computation we've got 20 seconds on the clock here for you to answer this math computation solve in simplest terms the quantity the quantity x squared minus 7x plus 12 divided by the quantity x squared plus 3x minus 18.
[Music] answer please all right alan i didn't buzz you did not buzz allen no okay uh the correct answer was the quantity x minus four divided by the quantity x plus six all right the next question for both schools is arco iris is the spanish term for what natural phenomenon all right lucas from monticello rainbow yes all right question 17 what physical property is defined as the resistance of any object to a change all right alan viscosity no any change in its velocity including changes to the object's speed or direction of motion all right lucas in urchin yes that's correct question 18 this act was originally proposed by john f kennedy but failed to pass lyndon johnson was able to sign it and jonathan civil rights act civil rights act is correct for 10 points for huntsville all right math computation multiply the tangent of 135 degrees times the tangent of 315 degrees [Music] [Music] answers please all right so no answer okay the answer was one one this craft's most famous journey was from eolcos to kolkas named this ship that carried jason and his companions on the quest all right lucas argo yes and that was the last question of round one so do we have any challenges or substitutions coaches looks like huntsville is bringing in a player all right well we're making uh changes in the lineup we're going to take a short break and we'll be right back for round two of the 4a state championship [Music] game [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] mm-hmm [Music] welcome back i'm dawn scott as you saw we had a couple of challenges our quiz master has the results of the challenges and he's going to take it from here we are back here in the studio again and want to uh thank our teams for their patience as we go through these challenges with our judges first challenge was on question 15. it was a math question we were having some trouble with one of the space bars on the buzz in computers they were using so one of our players wasn't allowed the same amount of time to buzz in for huntsville as monticello so our judges have decided to replace that question for both teams and give you both a new question i believe the score right now is 80 to 70 and that's correct before these two last questions though so we are going to have these two questions to give to you one is going to be a math question so let's do that math computation to make up for the challenged question and it says this add one to the base two number one zero one one one and express the answer in base two [Music] all right uh lucas one one zero zero will you say one more time for me one one zero zero zero yes that's correct not hearing you very well in my ear piece so let me fix that i think that's my my error right there okay that's much better all right and then the second question was about the argo and that's the one that we've already taken the points away from uh but the good news is we're going to replace that question with a different question for you so no harm done to either team there all right let me go to my extra questions team and here is the extra question to make up for the challenge on number 20. historically it was conferred upon mounted warriors in present day it is an honor bestowed by the queen or members of the royal family all right lucas knighthood that's correct all right so that takes us out of round one lucas you're our captain for monticello and alan you're the captain for huntsville all right well let's get started with this toss-up question so your team can win a bonus question this heat resistant class of minerals composed of silicate fibers was once used as a fireproofing material all right we have a coal asbestos asbestos is correct yes and you've won your team a bonus um let me find that bonus question page in geology so alan all your answers will come from you all right here we go this is called geology identify these geological terms from a short definition a circle of coral reef that surrounds a lagoon answer please i think you were muted uh i told yes i could see you saying it but i couldn't hear you saying it all right uh a large group of islands yes a large mass of ice that moves slowly over the land glacier yes and a mound of sand that's blown into a large pile dune yes so uh all four correct for a total of 30 points when we add the toss up in all right both teams hands on the buzzers are you ready identify the stock market index which indicates the value of 30 large publicly owned companies based in the united states and how they have traded in the stock market during various periods of time all right jonathan al jones industrial that's correct dow jones instruc industrial average but you didn't have to have that average part on there all right u.s geography u.s geography is your bonus all right when given a description of a state name uh state name origin name the state choctaw for red man oklahoma yes name for the 1732 king of england georgia georgia yes spanish for snow clad answer please would you say it again alabama no and spanish word meaning red answer please colorado yes well you got three out of the four uh spanish for snow clad was nevada nevada all right 25 points total though for that for huntsville all right our next toss-up is for both teams by the way what term in mathematics describes two or more circles or spheres constructed such that they have different radii yet share a common uh lucas eccentric yes all right lucas you have won monticello chemical formulas chemical formulas all right give the formula for the following compounds aluminum oxide answer please al2o3 yes calcium carbonate ca4c no hydrogen peroxide h2o2 h2o2 yes sodium nitrate s3n no uh but two out of the four for 20 points for monticello all right so um calcium carbonate is caco3 and sodium nitrate is nano3 all right there's one bonus left let's see if we can get it with this toss-up for both schools many terms used in cub scouts such as aquila law of the pack den and wolf were inspired by what rudyard kipling work uh benjamin gangadin no i've cleared uh the correct answer is the jungle book the jungle book all right this steely gray lustrous transition metal is the first element in group six it can be highly polished and is the main component of stainless steel name this element number 24 on the periodic table with symbol cr all right alan chromium yes and alan you have won your team a bonus called earth science identify the following geologic terms natural hot spring that intermittently ejects water and steam into the air geyser yes study of the effects of water on the earth's surface soil and underlying rocks and atmosphere no the ratio of the weight of an object to the weight of an equal volume of water answer please density no no and theoretical shift of continence due to weakness in the sub-oceanic crust answer please i can't hear you continental drift yes uh we missed a study of the effects of rock that was hydro hydrology you put an extra syllable in there ben and the ratio of the weight of an object to an equal volume of water specific gravity specific gravity that is the end of round one unless we have any challenge or round two excuse me unless we have any challenges alan no challenges lucas no challenges yes we have a challenge all right huntsville does have a challenge and so we're going to take a short break while hencefield prepares their challenge and gives it to the judges well welcome back uh we had a short break while we had a potential challenge from one of our teams but they have withdrawn that challenge uh and there's different reasons i might do so so that particulars to the third round the lightning round which folks who have played quiz bowl for years here in arkansas know that typically we give you one minute to answer 10 questions but with covid we're doing things a little bit differently you're going to have five seconds to answer each question just like you would in the bonus round and there will be no bounce backs to the other team all right so let me tell you what the categories are and they will give you a minute on the clock to decide your category and it looks like monticello you're going to get to go first with the category and here are the choices you can make you might choose scientific studies when given the name of a scientific study identify the focus of that area of science all right you might choose assassinations and it says name the individual who assassinated or attempted to assassinate the following individuals or you might choose category three scientific inventions identify the individuals who invented or developed the following inventions teams you have one minute to [Music] decide so [Music] all right the teams have had a minute to make up their mind about the category and i believe that monticello is going to bring a sub in but before you you do or as you do lucas uh tell us what category you picked uh we have picked scientific studies we'll take scientific studies and uh alan which one would you like we would like scientific inventions uh not an all science category today all right all right and so all right so we're going to bring in a substitute for one of our monticello players and they're not going to sit down are they so lucas who have you brought in jc gibson replacing autumn smith j.c gibson all right very good uh lucas make sure you keep that you and alan both make sure you keep your microphones up so that we can hear your answers uh there are no bounce backs to the other teams so uh no need to worry about that being heard on the mic all right we're ready to begin our third round here for the 4a state championship very close game as we knew it would be 145 for huntsville and 120 for monticello and there is an advantage in being a little behind here lucas and the fact that you got to pick the first category and you chose scientific studies so i'm going to give you five seconds to answer each one of these but we need our answers quickly all right all right it says when given the name of a scientific study identify the focus of that area of science are you ready all right here we go anthropology uh the study of cultures uh yes herpetology the study of reptiles yes toxicology poisons and venoms yes ornithology birds yes entomology yes hydrology water yes paleontology fossils yes archaeology ancient civilizations yes seismology earthquakes yes volcanology volcanoes that's absolutely correct uh all 10 correct and in quiz bowl when you get all of the lightning round questions correct you get a 20-point bonus so congratulations 120 points for monticello now you have the opportunity alan to do the same thing with huntsville uh with scientific inventions all right all right it says to identify the individuals who invented or developed the following cyclotron lawrence yes miners safety lamp smith no liquid fuel rocket goddard yes mechanical reaper mccormick yes mercury thermometer fahrenheit yes printing press gutenberg yes steam engine defer to john i can't hear john trevor thick no wireless telegraph morse no x-ray rehearsal no and electric battery volt no the answer to that one is volta and then the um miners safety lamp is sir humphrey davey uh the steam engine is james watt uh the wireless telegraph was marconi and the x-ray is wilhelm wrentgen wrenching so at the end of round uh three and coaches you can confirm this with me uh monticello has taken the lead at 240 to huntsville's 195. coaches do we agree with that still score a challenge i'm sorry go ahead allen huntsville has a challenge all right huntsville has a challenge so we're going to take a moment and let huntsville uh prepare their challenge and then present it to our group of judges all right welcome back and we had another one of those situations where we had a challenge uh but it was withdrawn and so the next question then would be do you have any substitutions for this last round alan says no huntsville's going to keep what they've got monticello you're going to keep what you've got all right very good well if i we're not trying to putting anybody in or substituting then let's jump straight to the last round 200 points available to our team so this is anybody's game i'll remind you again that after each answer uh correct or incorrect i'm going to clear the buzzer system uh even though you may have buzzed in second or third or whatever i will clear and ask you to buzz in again all right okay well here's our first toss-up good luck to both teams this god was worshiped by many ancient people especially the canaanites who considered him a fertility deity and one of the most important gods in the pantheon name this god against whom the old testament prophets frequently warned of the israelites all right uh lucas oh pardon me pardon me i have luke luke i think you're saying the right answer i can hear it bail is the correct answer good job i don't know why i'm not hearing you very well though make sure your mouthpieces are in front of your mouths now that was luke from monticello that answered right sir yes all right a math computation for number 32. in terms of pi what is the area of a circular ringed figure with inner radius 10 feet and outer radius 13 feet all right lucas 69 pi square feet that's correct all right let me clear that all right all right here we go it is easier said than done to identify this form of figurative language that has been done to death name this trite stereotyped expression uh lucas cliche cliche is correct all right what current long time governor is being accused of sexual harassment jonathan andrew cuomo that's correct and jonathan from huntsville all right this term in biology refers to the ecological role of an organism in a community all right lucas yes yes all right following world war ii the soviet union set up trade barriers and a rigid censorship that cut off the country and its eastern european satellite countries from the rest of the world by what name all right jonathan the iron curtain jonathan you're absolutely right and that's from huntsville all right for what well-known painting did jonathan butal serve as the model for english artist thomas gainsborough all right alan the blue boy blue boy is correct all right math computation what are the values or signs of the first and second derivatives of a function at a local maximum [Music] hi lucas negative and positive no uh benjamin zero and negative that is correct good job all right next toss-up a prolific writer during his short lifetime he wrote notable works in the realist tradition and early examples of american naturalism name this man who died at the age of 28 five years after writing a civil war novel entitled the red badge and that is going to be lucas greene that's right all right what earlier astronomic compact instrument was used to observe and calculate the position of celestial bodies before the invention of the sextant all right lucas astrolab that's right this epic military campaign between u.s marines and the imperial army of japan took place in early 1945. give the location of this five-week-long battle following which an iconic flag raising uh luke iwo jima that's right what adjective is used to describe is used to indicate that information consists of both letters and numbers that answer that answer would be alphanumeric alphanumeric all right pinocchio and shakespeare's nick bottom share a similar fate when they are turned when they find themselves turned into what creature all right it looks like sam was first donkey that's right sam is from monticello right huntsville i take i take that back they're from huntsville all right growler bears and the koi wolf are examples of this type of cross breeding what do we call an offspring of two animals in different races breeds all right lucas hi brother yes all right each state in the union is represented by two individuals in the united states synod name both of the men who currently represent arkansas okay that's going to be jonathan tom cotton and john bozeman that's right and he's from up there around y'all so you better get that one right uh math computation all right simplify the following square root of 45 plus the square root of 80.
[Music] [Music] answers please all right uh looks like lucas was first 3 square root of 5 square root of 10 no no i'm going to clear the buzzer and then huntsville you may buzz in all right benjamin seven square roots of five that's right all right next question this jazz age novelist wrote about anne-marie blaine in this side of paradise all right lucas fitzgerald that's right this man established an institute which bears his name in 1887 which is a world leader in battling infectious diseases name this man also known for discovering that heating liquids would kill all right lucas ester yes this american abolitionist believed in and advocated armed insurrection is the only means of overthrowing the institution of slavery in the united states all right lucas john brown that's correct use the foil method on the following binomial the quantity four x squared minus seven times the quantity x squared plus [Music] four [Music] [Music] all right darling 4x to the fourth plus nine x squared minus twenty eight yes all right and the next question what high renaissance painter became noted for his paintings of madonna's and was later hired to decorate four rooms at the apartment of the pope sabina michelangelo no let me clear the pope in the vatican all right that's going to be alan donatello no it was rafael raphael and that was the last question of the 4a state championship game we'll see we'll check our score and see if we have any challenges and then we'll have awards presentations no challenges alan no challenges lucas okay all right well i believe our score then is 350 to 275. congratulations to our 4a state champion monticello and our foray runner up huntsville wow what a match congratulations to monticello bill what a match there were some challenges involved very smart kids here yeah both teams can be congratulated and for several reasons huntsville was ahead at the half and the 62nd round monticello stepped up and ran it that gives you a 20-point bonus it also gave him the lead it is very difficult to catch up in that 20 questions that's at the end especially when the teams are so talented i congratulate both teams if they played again you couldn't can you couldn't predict who was going to win they were very well coached and stayed focused i mean with all the interruptions that went on it was just amazing you could tell those students were still focused on those questions each one of them that were read well it's been an unprecedented year with tons of challenges so we appreciate all of them working through all of that we want to go back now to the university of central arkansas for the awards presentation over to carolyn here we have the all-tournament team first and we have a number of folks on the 418 jace cochran from bauxite laney kirschberger from dover ethan brazil from malvern luke bruner from highlands leighton stockwell pocahontas alan young here from huntsville josh bowman from subiaco owen cisco uh green forest lane wilkins of gravitt andrew huffman of hamburg seth lumen from arkadelphia uh calvin clardy also of cadelphia zach duran green forest austin booth of green forest adam donaldson of subiaco adam maxwell of hamburg jett jarrett jarvis from huntsville uh no excuse me jarrod just from gravity sorry uh jonathan robertson over here is from huntsville and connor teague of bauxite and our mvp is sitting over here lucas babs of monticello lucas come on up we have a special medal there and trophy for you and you will be getting a chat too and now we want to congratulate our first place team the rest of these guys over here from monticello come on up and you also will be getting a check um in the mail but it really will come and then our second place team over here from huntsville come on up and get your award as well okay mr rick here has your trophy for you and i think i need you guys coming over here a little bit maybe scoot on in that way can get you all in [Music] okay this is huntsville right here congratulations guys this was a well-played game and um needing to get your picture here coaches you can come up to you know you're not uh you don't just stay on the sidelines okay let's head back to the studio now congratulations again to monticello a special shout out to huntsville great match there and there's a lot more action to come with arkansas governor's quiz bowl association state championships stay right here with us up next is the 5a state championship featuring the high schools from morrilton and bologna see you soon you
Quiz Bowl is a local public television program presented by Arkansas PBS