Quiz Bowl 6A Russellville v Lake Hamilton
4/29/2021 | 47m 11sVideo has Closed Captions
Arkansas Governor's Quiz Bowl Association state championship
Watch the Arkansas Governor's Quiz Bowl Association state championship matches with Arkansas PBS. In this match, Russellville faces off against Lake Hamilton to win the state title and the opportunity to represent Arkansas at the national level.
Quiz Bowl is a local public television program presented by Arkansas PBS

Quiz Bowl 6A Russellville v Lake Hamilton
4/29/2021 | 47m 11sVideo has Closed Captions
Watch the Arkansas Governor's Quiz Bowl Association state championship matches with Arkansas PBS. In this match, Russellville faces off against Lake Hamilton to win the state title and the opportunity to represent Arkansas at the national level.
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Learn Moreabout PBS online sponsorship[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello and welcome back to the arkansas governor's quiz bowl association state championships we are back here at the arkansas pbs studios for quiz bowl 2021 i'm lauren mccullough it has been an incredible day of quiz bowl and we have now reached the final match right now over at university of central arkansas our teams are taking their places and getting final instructions for the 6a state championship featuring the high schools from russellville and lake hamilton let us turn now to our commentator bill davis bill what can you tell us about this match well first i'd like to say a word or two about russellville they've been here six years in a row i know of only one other team that's ever done that and they were here nine years in a row and that was morelton this is going to be a really good game couple of reasons the experience on russellville side and lake hamilton when i visited with them earlier today i could see a lot of hunger in their eyes and they're confident they're focused this is going to be an exciting game all right looking forward to it and it seems we are about ready to begin our match so let's meet the teams for lake hamilton we have junior wesley bonner junior jace joyner sophomore madison cole and sophomore cade martin the captain is senior will livingston their substitute players are all sophomores and they are austin barnes harrison carruth madison devine and zach pennington julie mullings is their coach and for russellville all of their starting players are seniors this year they are sean cafferty lewitt tony leel rayon shuja and ian hardcastle the captain is rhett and eagles and alternates are junior dev donda senior angel rodriguez junior cody distrebek and senior tawny bakorn their coach is paul gray we would like to thank our volunteer judges for giving us their time today they are joanna sutton amanda mcmahon sammy benjamin kelly webb carolyn schrei and nita wimberly is our scorekeeper so we've met our competitors let's turn it over now to our quiz master steve patterson and find out who is going to be our 6a quiz bowl champion steve well thank you so much lauren it is good to be here with you for the 6a state quiz bowl championship this year for 2021 we appreciate so much the work of arkansas pbs and our long-term 37 years now where we have been on the television to show off these wonderful kids and we have two groups of wonderful kids in front of us here today russellville is here and lake hamilton and what a great group teams are you ready to go all right they seem to be ready and excited so let's get started with our first 20 toss-up questions in book six of this work the protagonist descends to the elysian fields to talk with his father and kaises all right sean from russellville indeed yes number two what principle states that in the absence of mutation natural selection inbreeding or change in the membership of a population that the type and genotype frequencies of this population will re all right that's going to be russellville sean hardy weinberg equilibrium that's correct good job two in a row now sean all right question number three this small town on the coast of france was the scene of a massive 1940 all right lake hamilton will normandy uh no let me finish for russellville massive 1940 military campaign during world war ii identified this location at which an offensive involving hundreds of naval and civilian all right that's going to be russell sean yep no the correct answer was dunkirk dunkirk all right question four is math computation so we'll check out your math skills you have 20 seconds to answer this problem points a b and c are all on a circle such that the degree measure of angle abc is 48 degrees what is the degree measure of arc ac all right uh rest of orion 24 degrees uh no that's incorrect uh lake hamilton you have a quick answer all right lake hamilton's cade 96 degrees that's correct question number five although william shakespeare wrote many plays about kings only one features a queen in its title name this shakespearean play all right that's little lake hamilton's uh will anthony cleopatra you're right question number six what name is given to the type of visual defect in which the lens is misshapen and unable to focus properly all right that's going to be russellville's rayon myopia no like hamilton do you have an answer all right that is will bird's eye now the correct answer is astigmatism astigmatism question seven this political party formed in 1848 was joined and strengthened by a discontented faction of the democratic party in new york all right that's going to be lake hamilton's wesley he said wig party no that's incorrect name this uh let's see known as the barn burners and name this party which opposed the extension of slavery into the territories and admission of new slave states to the union all right that is sean from russellville free soil parties that's correct we're going to celebrate that with another math computation all right convert the base 10 number 165 to base 4.
[Music] all right like hamilton's cade 1001 no russellville uh and that is right uh right rayon two two zero one no it's two two one one two two one one all right question number nine the central event of this poem ends in front of a house that is but a swelling of the ground name this emily dickinson poem in which the entity personified in the poem takes the speaker on a carriage ride with immortality all right uh russell sean because i would not stop for death that's correct question number 10 this astronomical unit of length is equal to 3.26 light years all right russellville sean parsec yes question 11. it is said that you could ask him a question in english and he could simultaneously write all right uh russell rhett garfield that's correct question number 12 what quantity equal to zero for all circles can be defined as the ratio of the focal length that is russellville rayon eccentricity yes question 13. john brown's body is a poem by what american all right russellville tony would you spell it for me b-e-n-e-t yes i'll take that typically it's pronounced stephen vincent bernay but since you can spell it i'm giving it to you question 14 the headquarters of what popular ready to assemble furniture company is located uh russell red ikea yes this taxon taxonomic order consists of insects having two pairs of wings all right lake hamilton will lepidatra that's correct number 16 an oracle foretold that the man who could untie this devilish tangle and that is going to be will macedonian knot no untie this devilish triangle would rule the world according to legend alexander the great cut it with a stroke of his sword all right rayon that's correct hindus considered him to be the eighth avatar of the god vishnu uh russell sean buddha no name this deity believed to have been born to rid the world of evil and to give delight to his many friends and lovers okay like hamilton's will vishnu i know krishna krishna is the correct answer math computation all right we've got 20 seconds on the clock and here's the math what is the magnitude and direction of the vertical shift in the function f of x equals negative three times the sine of four x plus seven answers please all right uh russellville's rayon two positive you're going to have to say it again for me positive no like hamilton i need an answer nothing 7 and up are the answers okay number 19 two american women have won the nobel prize for literature name either one of them all right like hamilton's will pearl buck that's correct do you know who the other one is i know it is tony morrison uh won the other one all right this man was the central figure in the study of radioactivity who led the exploration of nuclear physics name this man who was awarded the 1908 nobel prize in chemistry for his all right like hamilton's will curie no for his theory of atomic structure all right sean from roosevelt or no it's ernst rutherford rutherford and that was the last question of the first round all right i believe that our points are russellville 100 and lake hamilton 40. uh captains do you agree okay and what about um challenges and substitutions festival's going to keep everything the same well what about y'all we're good okay well if everyone's ready we're going to move straight into the second round which is of course our toss-up round with a chance at a four-part bonus here's the first toss-up for both schools a japanese soldier hid in the jungles of this south pacific u.s territory all right like hamilton's wesley this mic isn't working tell the person next to you the answer is wesley the philippines no let me finish unaware that the war had already ended the soldier was discovered in 1972 and this u.s territory still plays an important role in united states defense right uh rhett from roosevelt guam guam is the correct answer we're going to pause for just a moment while we change microphones out for wesley [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so welcome back to our second round of our 6a state champion between russellville and lake hamilton and we had some difficulties with the microphones but we fixed those and i think right before the break there we had read and made a correct answer and has won his team a bonus and the bonus is called art and artist all right so red i'll take all my answers from you all right it says to name the artist who created these works which all hang in the metropolitan museum of art are you ready number one broadway boogie woogie answer mondrian that's correct uh 1 number 31 sounds right answer pollock yes madame x sergeant yes answer sergeant yes and sunflowers van gogh you answer van gogh that's correct so you got all four correct on your first bonus so congratulations for that now both teams hands on your buzzers and here's the second toss-up question name the conic section from this description both x and y are squared both are positive but have different coefficients all right that's going to be russellville sean ellipse correct so you've won the second bonus which is called american history american history ready name the states in which these revolutionary war battles took place i'm looking for the state all right the battle of yorktown virginia answer virginia yes battle of bunker hill answer massachusetts yes uh battle of saratoga new york answer new york yes and the battle of greenwich new jersey answer new jersey uh that answer was connecticut but you got the other three correct for 25 points on that so uh good job now let's go back to both teams and to see who can win the next uh bonus question this poet of tamil shanter all right that's going to be russell sean burns burns the national poet of scotland very good all right and that gives you a bonus called lakes lakes given the name of a lake it tell the country in which it is located uh the great slave lake canada answer canada yes lake titicaca answer bolivia yes loch lamonde ocloman uk okay answer uk yes and lake placid answer united states that's correct so all four correct on those bonuses all right let's go to another toss-up for both schools here we go paleontology has helped us understand the unique evolutionary history of birds due to an important 1855 discovery all right the russell sean archaeopteryx that's correct all right you've earned a bonus the last of our bonuses called presidents presidents name the presidents to whom these first ladies were married uh bess wallace what okay answer truman yes pat ryan nixon answer nixon yes uh elizabeth betty bloomer uh forward right uh yeah i guess answer ford yes and nancy davis reagan answer reagan that's correct uh for all four of those all right excellent job in the second round or what we call our bonus round uh now it's time for the lightning round unless we have any challenges on any of the bonus questions well are we good and we're good that's good okay let me read the uh three the three categories for you and then lake hamilton uh since you're trailing russellville then you'll get to pick first all right and here are the categories world geography given the name of a capital city named the african nation where it is located you might choose category 2 which is called literature give the primary pseudonym under which the following authors wrote and the third choice is world government identify the current leaders of the following nations teams you have one minute to decide okay we're going to go back while they're picking their category to lauren and bill thanks yeah the match is taking off and we've made it to the lightning round bill tell us what we can expect on this round well at this point a lot of people would think okay game's over lake hamilton's way behind however in the 62nd round lake hamilton could run this round you have 10 questions you're going to answer those 10 questions in 60 seconds if you're successful in answering all 10 and this is a collaborative effort so all of the team members will be involved the captain will be given the answers they're going to get a 20-point bonus that's 120 points so there's a possibility that this game could flip and i've seen this happen in the past the other thing i'd like to mention is watching this game this has been beautiful because russellville is exhibiting knowledge of width not only depth but width when they answered those questions on the artworks those were rather obscure artworks and they just fired away they have got a wide range of knowledge they are more than prepared we might not have mentioned it at other at the beginning but russellville is nearly all seniors so lake hamilton's got their work cut out for him but is it over no not a chance lake hamilton could come back all right thank you it's a nail biter it could be it looks like the students have made their decisions so let's go back to our quiz master steve well welcome back here to the studio and um let's see lake hamilton will what category did y'all pick uh we're thinking africa yeah and we're seven we're seven harrison and for medicine all right since they've taken that category uh which one would you like looks like current heads of state current heads of state are you making any substitutions yes we're making sales and steve could we get clarification on if these are up to date or not um what is up today the current heads of state they are up to date as far as i'm familiar with wanted to make sure we're ready now to play our third round here in the 6a state championships this is what we call the lightning round it used to be 60 seconds long but during this covet era we simply give each team five seconds to answer each question then we move on all right so i believe will you're going to be speaking for lake hamilton okay make sure you have that mic up right by your by your mouth all right there we go all right it says given the name of a capital city name the african nation where it's located and you brought harrison in to help with this task so harrison it's nice to have you in and uh if you're ready to start we are give me a thumbs up will all right here we go cairo egypt answer egypt yes khartoum sudan yes sir sudan maphoto yes kigali answer it's rwanda it's rwanda yes answer rwanda yes kampala it's uganda you've got mr uganda yes lusaka zambia answer zambia yes uh gabarone it's uh it's uh it says it's it's it's it's botswana botswana monrovia liberia yeah liberia yes uh the one that you missed was uh umbabani which was swaziland you can challenge that we can challenge that you may do that at the end of this round you sure may all right um let's go now to russellville and uh will y'all can be preparing your challenge if you have one while they're competing just don't make a lot of noise all right red are you ready over here all right you have chosen world government identify the current leader of the following nations and to do that you brought in devin cody so dev cody it's good to have you both into the game for this uh lightning round if you all are ready we are all right here we go uh the chancellor of germany answer merkel yes president and general secretary of china answer xi jinping yes president of canada trudeau answer trudeau yes president of france macron answer macron yes president of mexico obrador obrador yeah sure answer obrador yes uh president of russia putin putin answer putin yes president of south korea what's her name i don't i don't just give me like park or something or candy lee answer lee no um prime minister of israel yahoo answer netanyahu yes prime minister of the united kingdom boris johnson johnson answer johnson yes chairman of kwp in north korea yes well i have down that you got uh nine right just like uh like hamilton did for a total of 90 points and let's see if that challenge is materializing over here well are we still challenging could we get to know who you missed i think so all right then we're going to have a challenge presented to our judges and we'll take a short break while they make this challenge all right it looks like we've got a challenge bill what can you tell us okay well one thing i tell you this is real big for lake hamilton because this is not only for just 10 points if they win this challenge it's going to mean they ran that 10 question and they will get 20 points more so what they're fighting for is 30 points here and a lot of times when you're dealing with its pronunciation you might be dealing with or it may be that you may have two different capitals like if you have south africa you may have two different capitals that you're mentioning there so there's probably now there's probably some grounds here but what you don't see now is there is a concerted effort of producing material that will back up their challenge you can't just go up to the judges and say no that's not wrong i know that i teach history or i teach geometry that won't work you have to have written proof you have to have something solid you can't even take a laptop up there and say look at this this is what they say because the source may not be that well so you have to be very careful and you have to be prepared this involves a lot of students that i used to call quiz masters that they're never in front of the camera they're over here by where the coaches are and they're doing research there'll be books and different laptops and things and they're going through there and they're saying no no no no challenge that challenge that and the coach may have not even caught it i mean i taught math i didn't teach english so a lot of times my quiz masters would tell me things about english that i wouldn't know and then the coach goes up and challenges that that's what we're facing but this is a 30-point flip for lake hamilton this is big this is important yeah thanks yeah truly a team effort all right i think the quiz master will be letting us know more about the challenge let's listen in well welcome back after our challenge uh by lake hamilton over the idea of swaziland swaziland still exists as a country but they've actually now renamed themselves the kingdom of iswata swatini and that was the answer given by lake hamilton so they really have two names they go by and since they had the one then we're going to give them their 10 points and then we're going to give them an extra 20 point bonus so another 30 points added on to lake hamilton's score so it was a good challenge those are the kind of challenges we like to see where they make the kids [Music] well we don't want them fighting for their points but we want them to understand that our answers are not necessarily the only correct answers that we have up here well we are glad to see you back and russellville made some changes in their lineup angel i see that you're in with us down on the end good to have you and then tawny is in tony good to have you in for russellville and then i believe everyone else is the same harrison staying in for for lake hamilton all right uh 305 to 160. there are 200 points up for grabs in this last round 20 10 point toss-ups so anything is possible and we're going to give our best to both of these teams as we go into the final round of the 6a state championship all right teams do you have your hands on your buzzers ready to go all right here we go in this novel a psychiatrist utters the notorious phrase a man would be crazy to fly more missions insane if all right russellville sean that's 22. you're right what then plate of flexible cartilage covers the entrance to the larynx in order to ensure all right russell sean the epicolotis correct in legal circles what term refers to a statement or representation published without just cause all right lake hamilton's will bible that's right uh name the 20th century american composer who wrote an american in paris okay uh russellville rhett for some reason i'm not hearing you is your microphone down okay gershwin is correct uh we've got a math computation problem for both both schools and it says this in cubic centimeters what is the volume of a two cubic meter box all right like hamilton's cadence 16 meters cubed uh no uh and that is going to be sean 160 000 cubic centimeters i have 20 000 cubic centimeters or 2 by 10 to the sixth or 2 million cubic centimeters all right this word is closely related to a word used to refer to someone who avoids or runs away from a fight or conflict all right lake hamilton's will coward yes all right there are approximately one thousand active ones worldwide and their formation requires a combination okay like hamilton's chase volcanoes no and their formation requires a combination of water intense heat and cracks in the ground name these geographical features which are formed by water seeping through the ground the best known of which is old faithful okay and that is going to be rhett geyser yes the official language of this west african nation of 18 million people is french name this nation whose capital uh all right lake hamilton's will algeria no whose capital obamacare got its name uh rhett mali that's correct identify the modern religious group which started in pennsylvania in the 1870s okay that's going to be rhett quakers no it started in pennsylvania in the 1870s by charles tays russell and his associates all right well shakers now it is the jehovah's witnesses jehovah's witnesses using the properties of exponents simplify x to the m power times x to the n power and that is going to be the rest of our sean x to the m plus n yes this hot period of summer marked by inactivity was calculated in ancient times from the rising of sirius give the okay uh russell shawn dog days dog days of summer that's right what capital city in october which has now spread to the entire country is trying to lure u.s citizens and others offering a remote working visa program with no u.s income tax year-round sun and lots of time and places to swim all right that's uh sean jakarta no like hamilton all right wesley bridgetown no it's dubai or the united arab emirates all right question number 43 this german physician is widely credited as one of the founders of bacteriology okay russell sean oak yes name the man one of the great leaders of the american revolutionary war who was known as the swamp fox okay a little lake hamilton's will morgan no because of his craftiness and eluding pursuers in the carolina okay that's going to be rhett marion marion is the correct answer all right what mathematical property states that changing the order of factors does not change the product okay uh cade from blake hamilton the associative property of multiplication no uh rayon communicative property multiplication yes communicative property was what we were looking for all right what is the tense of the verb in the following sentence lydia will have saved fifty dollars by the end of the month uh that's russell's rhett you're perfect yes fields of natural science and technology often use this unit to express sizes of atoms molecules all right uh russellville's rayon yes identify the island pardon me identify the inland u.s state having the longest shoreline okay that's going to be lake hamilton's cade michigan yes name the series of norman rockwell paintings which were inspired by fdrs 1941. okay russell sean for freedoms right all right uh math computation find the volume in cubic inches of a rectangular prism with a length of four inches a width of three inches and a height of seven inches all right rayon what's your answer where are you 84 cubic or 84 cubic inches ah that's correct all right that was the last question of the match so we'll make sure that our score is correct brett and will do we have any so any challenges on those questions no questions or substitutions all right so here at the end of the game we find ourselves with russellville with 445 lake hamilton with 190 uh congratulations to lake hamilton our runner-up and to our new 6a state champion uh who look remarkably like our old state champion 445 so they are 6a state champions for this year thanks steve yeah that was a great match congratulations to russellville bill you've been around a lot what are your thoughts on this match uh one thing i would say real quick is that russellville has made a statement and i think this is five years in a row that they have won the state championship so that is quite a statement however let's not take anything from lake hamilton either it is not very often that a team can run the 62nd round we'll have seven state championship matches and you might get two teams during that competition that runs the 62nd round and they just did it now they had to challenge to get it done but they did it and that's a statement in itself both of these teams will probably be back next year if russellville can reload remember we said their team were seniors let's see how they can do that all right sounds like a challenge thanks bill and let's go back to the university of central arkansas for the awards presentation carolyn and now we're at the end of the 6a game and we need to tell you about who the all tournament players are first we have will livingston from lake hamilton uh who did a great job and was working on neck and neck with sean for mvp here william hertzfield from benton jonathan ivey of greenwood joyce ho of van buren emma dudley from benton andrew tyler of uh cersei wesley bonner over here at lake hamilton riley farr from greenwood samuel swann from van buren kieran obiozo of el dorado rhett nagels over on this side uh from russellville rayanne julia schuler from russellville uh sarah godfrey of cersei john sip bethune of el dorado tony leo of um russellville darren blount mountain home matthew mancini of cersei and as i mentioned a while ago sean cafferty luke who actually came out winning on being the mvp for this tournament so sean come on up need to give you a special mvp award which is not a middle as usual but you do get a medal to go with it as well congratulations and now we need to award some trophies here for this great performance today the second place trophy needs to go here to lake hamilton come on up will congratulations and your team will be getting a check in the mail for fifteen hundred dollars for your great performance today to be split among all the teammates terrific we also need to award to our first place team over here russellville come on up and they also get a trophy but they get a little bigger check since they won this division and they're gonna get a check for three thousand dollars to split amongst their teammates and so congratulations to all of you and back to you lauren congratulations again to everyone that made it this far congratulations to russellville again that brings us to the end of quiz bowl 2021 thank you to all of the brilliant students who competed their coaches all of the volunteers who made this possible and thanks to you our viewers for joining us today we'll see you next year [Music] you
Quiz Bowl is a local public television program presented by Arkansas PBS